Shayla Powell
Descant Choir Conductor
At the invitation of Ann Arbor Youth Chorale founders, Ruth Datz, Richard Ingram and Donald Williams, Shayla Hottinger Powell developed a beginning level choir to meet the needs of the growing Ann Arbor Youth Chorale.
For more than three decades, Descant Choir has been a vital component of the AAYC program providing music education and performing experience for our youngest singers. Under Ms. Powell’s leadership, Descant Choir has performed with The Carolyn Mawby Chorale, Gemini, The University of Michigan Women’s Glee Club, Measure for Measure, Many Voices One Song sounding light, Ann Arbor Civic Chorus, The Hill Singers at Glacier Hills, The Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra, and The Flint Symphony Orchestra, as well as with visiting children’s choirs, including the Cincinnati Boychoir, Chicago Children’s Neighborhood Choir and Indianapolis Children’s Choirs under the direction of Ruth E. Dwyer. The Descant Choir has twice appeared at Michigan Music Educators Association conferences.
Ms. Powell was inspired to study music education while studying with her beloved teacher, David Priestap at Swartz Creek High School. Ms. Powell holds a BME from University of Michigan-Flint and has completed coursework for a master’s degree in Choral Music Education. Ms. Powell is Children’s Choir director for the children at First Presbyterian Church Ann Arbor and the Choral Music Director for grades 5-12 for the Milan Area Schools. Her students participate in and consistently earn top performance ratings and are regularly selected to participate in state and all state level Honor Choirs through the Michigan School Vocal Music Association. Ms. Powell taught for UM-Flint Junior Academy of Music under the leadership of her conducting mentor, Carolyn Mawby, for many seasons. In 2024 she will return to the UM-Flint Summer Vocal Academy to conduct the grades 5-7 choir. Ms. Powell was nominated by her colleagues at Barnes Elementary School for the Newsweek-WDIV-TV Outstanding Teacher Award. Many of Ms. Powell’s former students now work as composers, teachers, performers and music business professionals. In addition to her work in music education, Ms. Powell is an active performer both as a singer and pianist, often performing with her husband Gregg, a professional bassist. Ms. Powell will appear with the Flint Symphony Orchestra in May 2025 as the soprano soloist for the Mozart Requiem.